Ariel the Blogging Cat

Pictures, Rants and Complaints about Windows

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Fwd: Finally, downed cows to get some relief

This morning, the USDA announced that it will implement a complete ban on slaughter for human consumption of cattle unable to stand and walk unassisted. The decision comes after The Humane Society of the United States documented horrible abuses of downed cows in a series of undercover videos.

For far too long, sick and crippled animals have been allowed into the food supply, subjecting them to needless torment and putting consumers at risk. Thanks in part to many thousands of animal advocates who emailed and called public officials about the scandalous mistreatment of these animals, the USDA is moving to close the downer loophole. We are calling on the agency to expedite the process and ban the slaughtering of downers without delay.

Good news for us (and for the food supply, and honestly, the beef exporters)  from the Humane Society!


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